Friday, November 15, 2013

Happy Before

I chose my Uncle Louis and Aunt Karina for this blog. They have been together since before 2007 and they got married in 2010 and as far as I can see they have a very healthy relationship with each other. My Aunt Karina has two sons the oldest is Joseph and the youngest is Danny. Joseph is in college and Danny is in Jr. High. My Aunt Karina and her two sons are full fledged Mormons and are from the country Ecuador

Friday, November 1, 2013

Follow Me

The blog that i followed is called We Are That Family. I followed this blog because the woman that makes the blogs always talks about family and how doing things together can strengthen family bonds.I connect with Kristen because we both follow the word of god. Examples that i could expand on with my own family are doing things together like going to the park to play catch with the football and playing with them and making sure they are happy.